Empowering Immigrants and refugees to build successful businesses
Immersion UX Design
Career Foundry
Responsive web app
Feb - Jun 2020
User research and Analysis
Persona creation
MVP definition
UX Design & Prototyping
Usability testing
UI Design System
Adobe XD
Optimal Workshop
Our Users (Immigrants/Refugees that moved to Germany) need an easy and effective way to get support in starting and running a successful business because it is hard to have the breadth of skills, support and knowledge (especially in a foreign country) needed to do so.
By creating an App that fosters migrant Entrepreneurship independent of location, where Users and Experts in diverse Business fields are matched after filling in their preferences, and expertise.
Advice can be custom to each person's needs and expectations.
Collaboration with NGO’s and Social Startups will offer extended help and opportunities. Expert rating, industry filter and further info will help Users pick the right fit, with options to call or message and access Educational Information to expand their knowledge. Different membership options give financial flexibility.
Growth Mentor Bottom line:
● Core values: human relationships, active learning and humility.
● Experienced Mentors: All mentors are vetted and have at least 5 years of experience working in growth marketing or technology companies.
● Purposeful Filtering: allows you to find Experts by Objective, Industry, Tools & Technology and Language.
● Clear offering: one main Call Expert Function and pay per minute structure.
● Target Market: Start-Ups
Clarity Bottom line:
We believe that by creating a Web App specifically for the German Market, with a multilingual chat feature including instant translation, we will give the opportunity to foreigners that have immigrated to Germany to start and grow their business no matter where they come from and which languages they speak.
By offering search through Industries and with extensive filters, finding the right Expert for Entrepreneurs needs should be simple and intuitive.
We believe that by creating a questionnaire matching feature, our Users will feel guided and supported, in getting the advice they need from the right expert.
Looking to understand my potential Users I have conducted three Interviews ( Foreign Entrepreneurs in Germany ) and an Online Survey.
Survey number: 20 people
Time online: 2 days
User Demographics:
AGE 25 - 45
After completing three User Interviews i have created two main Personas and mapped their User Flows.
After concluding with my Research findings and making small changes to my MVP i have started sketching for my three main features:
First Low Fidelity Sketch Wireframes for message and call feature
First Low Fidelity Sketch Wireframes for Exploring and Filtering Experts
First wireframes of the three features with onboarding, Explore Experts, matching Mentoring program and Chat/Call
To observe and understand participants, any issues and challenges in performing the main tasks of the app keeping in mind Satisfaction, learnability, memorability, efficiency and errors:
The usability testing was performed using Moderated Remote method since at the moment it was no possible to meet with participants in person I have used Skype where the screen was shared and the participants were recorded performing the given tasks.
6 participants from my own network
The usability test session lasted approximately 30 minutes. There was time before and after for questions and answers and general feedback.
By changing the architecture and interaction design of filters I have seen a decrease of usage of the search bar and increase of navigation through the Industry sections.
The added screens at the beginning and end of a call with a mentor have increased the phone calls made by users.
Animation/ Prototyping in Adobe XD
© Thalia Botsari 2025